Question = Lambda Q: How Many Days Are in 90-hour weeks?

Alireza Goudarzi
2 min readMay 10, 2020

Hmmm…, it depends on how one defines a week and a day. If you stick with the conventions 7-day weeks and 24-hour days then it seems okay, but are you also sticking with the the conventional 40-hour week? (sorry France). That would be begging the question. It would also have nothing to do with what perception of a day is or why we would need all these arbitrary time units. It is all because of the winnings of lesser men (sorry pc guys) to force the rest of us to conform to 8hr sleep patterns (I know a place where you can stick that one up).

So, if we are starting from a clean slate you can redefine it however you want and my favorite way of going about that is what it means for me. The first thing I noticed it no matter how my days are like (out and about, or stuck in front of a screen) if you the downtimes are less than 6 hours during which your brain is still planning its next uptime the distinct uptimes start to blend together on the edges and before you know it any sense of time or when you did something is gone with it. Now if that is important to you I suggest you keep logs as I do.

My first answer to the question would then be 3: the start of the sprint (no need of the word week if we have come this far), the end of the sprint, and the party.

Of course everything comes with iteration and so do 90-hour sprints which now seem to be very elastic (but just in one direction that is). And I noticed that when the 90 start to get closer to 100 then I start just have the sprint and the party. And in doing so we have done out with the day and week and redefined things the way they should work: that is to serve a purpose. I will see how much longer the word hour can last.

And my sprint begins now!



Alireza Goudarzi

Founder & CTO @Datance | AI Lead @UsideU | Research Scientist @RIKEN BSI | AI Lead @COD | Ph.D. Computer Science